Pontifical Urbaniana University

The Pontifical Urbaniana University or Pontifical Urban University[1] (Latin: Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana) is a pontifical university under the authority of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.



The origins of the university date back to Pope Urban VIII who decided to establish the Urban College with his papal bull Immortalis Dei Filius (August 1, 1627). The Pontifical Urbaniana University was endowed with the title “Pontifical” with the motu proprio Fidei Propagandae of Pope John XXIII, on October 1, 1962.

From its beginnings, the Urbaniana has always been an academic institution with a missionary character that has served the Catholic Church through the formation of missionaries and experts in the area of Missiology or other disciplines, necessary in the evangelizational activity of the Church.

Since 1966, the Urbaniana has accepted the affiliation of Seminaries and Institutes of Philosophy, Theology, Missiology, and Canon Law from all over the world.

The university had about 1400 students in 2004.


The university, which is located on the Janiculum Hill in Rome, has four faculties: the faculty of Theology, the faculty of Philosophy, the faculty of Canon Law, and the faculty of Missiology.

The university's mission is to train priests, religious brothers and sisters, and lay people for service as missionaries.

While the university is owned and operated by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, whose Prefect (currently Fernando Filoni) is ex officio the Chancellor of the university, as a center of higher education it is regulated by the Congregation for Catholic Education.


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